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Ft Desoto Paddling Trip Oct 2022

Ft Desoto Paddling Trip Oct 2022 1

Ft Desoto Paddling Trip Oct 2022

A wonderfully day to be on the water.ย  After a week of Hurricane threats and related bad weather and the tragedy of south Florida getting the major hit from the storm.ย  The storm brought in a nice cold front that dropped the humidity and the temps to make a bright beautiful low 80โ€™s day. There were a couple other groups putting in at the same time so it was crowded at the put in.ย  It was low tide putting in and so it was a fun tromp through the mud, but that is just part of being outdoors.ย  The commands where out as usual following close to the kayaks chasing fish under the kayaks as we moved.ย  When you stop they gather close to the kayaks like begging puppies.ย  There was enough water to paddle through most of our route heading to shell key but not enough to make it through the mangrove tunnels. ย  We paddled through the new pass and had lunch looking out over the Gulf of Mexico.ย  Instead of having to do the kayak drag on the way back we opted to paddle on the outside down the beach. It was choppy but we had the wind to our back and it pushed along at a fast rate. Unfortunately the chop had one paddler feeling queasy, but otherwise it was a fun run.ย  Back inside the islands in the calm water a sandbar turned into a bird island with skimmers, pelicans, seagulls and similar looking white birds, gathered.ย  Paying little attention to us as we coasted past. It was a wonderful day to be on the water, thanks to everyone who came out, muddied their feet and enjoyed the day with us. See you next month.


See you on the next Trip
Braden River Nov
