Kayak Crew at Osprey Bay Outdoors
The staff at Osprey Bay Outdoors is a great mix of skills and personalities ready to help with your paddling questions. Where its how to paddle, what to paddle, how to get the kayak to the water, or even what’s in the water under me. Where here to help, come by and see us.

Thomas founded Osprey Bay in 1998 after leaving behind his career as an RN. He is a US veteran that served during Desert Storm in the Army and Airforce. Kayaking, fishing and hiking are passions that he made into a successful in business. He is an ACA instructor and guide.

Kim helped start Osprey Bay in 1998 but didn’t come on full time in the business until 2001 after leaving behind her former career in banking. With a finance and accounting background, Kim keeps track of the books but also loves to be outside on a kayak. She is an ACA instructor and guide.

Practically born in a kayak. Paddling with her mom and dad before she could even walk. She has been very involved in all of our kayak trips and even helps guide them now. She is also an honor role, dual enrollment student and Osprey Bay model for a lot of our marketing.

Lauren Waters
Lauren is our resident marine biology expert and a private eco tour guide. She is extremely knowledgeable about the waters, fish and wildlife around Florida and loves to share per passion with others. She is also our longest-term shop employee with over fifteen years in our family.

Chrystal is the resident fish biologist and birder. Worked for back in the day. Can talk all day about fishing from your kayak.

Josh is the go to Kayak Fishing and Kayak rigging and repair specialist. If you need to add fish finder or anchor trolley to your kayak, or need the keel repaired Josh has you covered. Want to learn to Fish from the Kayak Josh and take you out on a Charter.

Micheal Ebert
Michael has been a kayak guide on our trips for over ten years. He makes sure everyone has a fun and safe time on the water and is always there to lend a hand.

Kenny Wood
Kenny is a kayak guide on our trips. He is also a native American and can educated everyone about the history of Florida before the settlers and point out a lot of the Indian mounds.